Updates Regarding BioLab’s Conyers Facility

Latest Updates From BioLab

BioLab Continues to Advance Community Support Initiatives

Over the past several weeks, BioLab has continued to advance a variety of community support initiatives to assist area residents and business owners impacted by the fire at its Conyers warehouse. This has included establishing dedicated local resources to continuously field calls, emails, and in-person questions – helping with processing claims, reimbursement requests, and more.

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BioLab Provides Update on Claims Process Completion Timing Following Progress of Community Assistance Efforts

Conyers, GA – As part of BioLab’s commitment to supporting the community following the fire at its Conyers facility on September 29, the Company has worked continuously to address the needs of impacted area residents and business owners.

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Update About BioLab’s Community Assistance Center’s Operating Hours

BioLab wanted to make the community aware of upcoming changes to its Community Assistance Center’s hours in light of the Thanksgiving holiday and Daylight Saving Time.

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BioLab Provides Update on Conyers Site Progress and Community Support Initiatives 

BioLab has continued to make significant progress in cleaning up the site at its Conyers facility and supporting the community. The site has now been stabilized, and the company is shifting its resources to a project management phase to continue the cleanup. 

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Continued Progress on BioLab’s Cleanup Efforts and Community Support Initiatives

BioLab has continued to advance its cleanup efforts at its Conyers facility, following the successful completion of the emergency response operations on October 17, 2024.

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BioLab Provides Update on Successful Clean-Up Efforts at its Conyers Facility

Conyers, GA – BioLab today provided an update regarding the successful completion of emergency response operations at its Conyers facility. As announced by the Unified Command, the chemicals at the site have been treated and/or secured, the site is no longer producing fumes, and the EPA has recorded 72 hours of no air quality exceedances in the community. Additionally, Rockdale County lifted the shelter-in-place order for the entire county as of October 17.

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Additional External Updates

October 16, 2024

Unified Command Releases Photos of BioLab Facility Remediation Efforts

ROCKDALE COUNTY, Ga. – The Unified Command has released a series of photos capturing images from site cleanup efforts following the chemical release at the BioLab facility; these images document the transition from the initial response to the progress achieved over the past two weeks.

“This progress reflects the hard work and coordination of the Unified Command, cleanup crews, and partner agencies,” said Deputy Chief Jimmy Robinson from Rockdale County Fire Rescue. “We are proud of the efforts of everyone involved not only to act swiftly but to do so with the safety of the community and our responders in mind.”

October 12, 2024

News Release from Unified Command – Continued Improvements in Air Quality Following BioLab Incident

CONYERS, Ga. – Significant progress has been identified in air quality monitoring efforts at and around the BioLab facility. Ongoing air quality assessments over the past two weeks show a steady reduction in chlorine levels, reflecting the success of mitigation and cleanup operations.

October 7, 2024

Rockdale County Lifts Shelter in Place Except for the 2-Mile Radius Around Biolab

ROCKDALE COUNTY, Ga. – Rockdale County Emergency Management Agency lifts shelter in place except for the two-mile radius around Biolab.

This recommendation is based on data over the last five consecutive days. Readings have not indicated exceedances of chemicals in the air that would require sheltering in place for areas outside of the two-mile radius. This two-mile radius includes a half-mile buffer zone.

October 3, 2024

Rockdale County Deputy Fire Chief Robinson provides an update from the scene at BioLab


December 20, 2024 2:00 PM

BioLab Continues to Advance Community Support Initiatives

Over the past several weeks, BioLab has continued to advance a variety of community support initiatives to assist area residents and business owners impacted by the fire at its Conyers warehouse. This has included establishing dedicated local resources to continuously field calls, emails, and in-person questions – helping with processing claims, reimbursement requests, and more. In addition to these efforts, the company has also:

  • Donated to a range of organizations and programs that assist the local community:
    • Rockdale Emergency Relief Fund
    • United Way
    • Rockdale Animal Shelter
    • Miracle League Softball Tournament
    • Conyers Downtown Ice Rink
  • Established partnerships with Rockdale-based organizations to provide volunteers and other forms of assistance:
    • Partnering with the Rockdale Emergency Relief Fund to provide food to children during a period of remote learning
    • Supporting numerous Conyers restaurants with daily food purchases
    • Donating and providing volunteers to support the Rockdale Emergency Relief Fund’s Thanksgiving food drive, helping the organization to double its Thanksgiving dinner distribution efforts

With the holidays upcoming, BioLab is also donating toys to the Conyers Christmas Toy Drive and donating to the First Methodist Church of Conyers Food Pantry.

BioLab cares deeply about the community and will continue to partner with local organizations moving forward. Additional information and resources can be found at www.biolabcommunityresources.com.

December 11, 2024 4:00 PM

November 11, 2024 11:30 AM

Update About BioLab’s Community Assistance Center’s Operating Hours

BioLab wanted to make the community aware of upcoming changes to its Community Assistance Center’s hours in light of the Thanksgiving holiday and Daylight Saving Time.

Thanksgiving Week Schedule:

BioLab’s Community Assistance Center will be closed for appointments from November 25-30 due to the Thanksgiving holiday

While claims staff will not be onsite that week, claim review will continue from November 25-27 by phone and email for residents who have previously established claims. As always, community members may still email [email protected] to file a claim; information on how to do so is available here. BioLab’s 24/7 hotline also remains open throughout Thanksgiving week for assistance at (678) 301-2359.

For approved claim check pickup ONLY, the Center will be open on November 25 and 26 from 9AM-3PM (ET). Individuals must have a confirmation email from their adjuster authorizing them to pick up their check on those days.

New Operating Hours, Effective December 2:

Due to Daylight Saving Time and in support of onsite safety, effective Monday, December 2, the Center’s hours going forward will be:

  • Monday-Friday: 9AM-5PM (ET) (one hour earlier)
  • Saturday: 9AM-3PM (ET) (unchanged)
  • Sunday: Closed (unchanged)

BioLab remains committed to supporting impacted area residents and business owners, and the team looks forward to assisting community members at the Center under these hours.

November 9, 2024 12:30 PM

BioLab Provides Update on Conyers Site Progress and Community Support Initiatives 

BioLab has continued to make significant progress in cleaning up the site at its Conyers facility and supporting the community. The site has now been stabilized, and the company is shifting its resources to a project management phase to continue the cleanup. 

BioLab’s Distribution Center at Conyers was cleared by relevant authorities and regulators to reopen on November 4 and resume fulfilling customer orders for finished products, which are used to clean pools and spas. We are grateful that our Conyers team members have returned to work at the Distribution Center and appreciate their continued support and dedication. At this time, the Conyers plant has not resumed manufacturing operations, and any resumption of operations will only be undertaken with approval from authorities and regulators.  

BioLab recognizes the importance of understanding the causes of the incident, and is conducting a thorough review, cooperating closely with the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB), as it performs its own review, as well as other state and federal environmental, health and safety agencies.

In tandem with its cleanup work onsite, BioLab continues to advance its community support initiatives and assess additional ways to assist area residents and business owners. As of November 7, the Company has:

  • Fielded more than 15,700 calls to its 24/7 dedicated call center, launched one month ago, helping community members with claims, reimbursement requests, and more
  • Assisted more than 3,000 community members at BioLab’s Community Assistance Center 
  • Continued to provide regular updates and make the latest information available to the community through its dedicated website – www.BioLabCommunityResources.com – which has received over 18,000 visits to date
  • Successfully concluded its debris removal service, having fulfilled more than 130 requests on private properties, as well as having cleared debris from public areas

Community members interested in filing claims can continue to email [email protected] and provide the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Items being claimed/amount of each item
  • Attach receipts/backup

Community members can also search here for available appointments at BioLab’s in-person Community Assistance Center or contact the company’s 24/7 call center at (678) 301-2359. Additional details and information about how to submit claims can be found here.

November 1, 2024 4:00 PM

Continued Progress on BioLab’s Cleanup Efforts and Community Support Initiatives

BioLab has continued to advance its cleanup efforts at its Conyers facility, following the successful completion of the emergency response operations on October 17, 2024.

As of today, work continues with site clean-up efforts. Additionally, ongoing air quality monitoring has not shown any sustained action level exceedances in the community for more than 15 days. BioLab will continue conducting air monitoring with oversight from Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GA EPD) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Company remains focused on completing its remediation efforts at the site, under the oversight of the GA EPD.

The BioLab team has also continued to make progress in its initiatives to support the community. As of October 31, 2024, the Company has:

  • Fielded more than 15,000 calls at its 24/7 call center, helping with claims, reimbursement requests, and more; and in light of the continued community interest in accessing this support service, the Company has been bolstering staffing at the call center to increase its capacity to process requests.
  • Assisted more than 2,000 community members at its in-person Community Assistance Center, with more appointments being released daily.
  • Continued to provide regular updates and make the latest information available to the community through its dedicated website – www.BioLabCommunityResources.com – which has been visited by nearly 4,500 individuals to date.
  • Removed debris from more than 130 private properties, in addition to clearing debris from public areas and roads; with all requests now having been successfully completed, BioLab’s debris removal service will conclude on November 1, 2024.
  • BioLab’s Community Liaison has continued to engage on the ground in the community and at the Community Assistance Center, speaking with area residents and businesses to understand their needs.
  • Made donations to a number of local organizations to support their own efforts to assist area residents and is working to initiate additional partnerships.

BioLab remains deeply committed to making things right for impacted area residents and business owners, including making resources available and getting them the assistance they need.

Community members interested in filing claims can email the following information to [email protected]:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Items being claimed/amount of each item
  • Attach receipts/backup

Community members can also search here for available appointments at the Community Assistance Center or contact BioLab’s 24/7 call center at (678) 301-2359. Additional details and information about how to submit claims can be found here.

October 18, 2024 1:00 PM